Client Grievance/Complaint Form

Community Action Agency of Greater Kansas City clients are treated fairly without regard to race, color, sex, national origin/ancestry, religion, disability, veteran status, and any other characteristic protected by applicable affirmation laws. It is our intent to provide professional services to client who apply for individual programs we administer. If a client has a grievance/complaint he/she can submit their grievance through the CAAGKC website or through the front desk at one of the CAAGKC office locations. We will promptly follow-up with your concern(s). Thank you!

Your Information

Client Name(Required)
Mailing Address(Required)
Best Time to Call(Required)
Client Status


MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time of Incident(Required)
Program Involved(Required)
Permission Please review our updated privacy policy.

Please check the CAPTCHA box to prove you are a human, not a hacker. Then select the “submit” button to send your request to a member of the CAAGKC staff. Please allow two business days for a reply.