Quality Assurance

This is how the CAAGKC begins and creates a QA environment. By planning, implementing, monitoring and reviewing, and finally improving. This is a constant process in which we include, Standards of Excellence to hold everyone that works in the agency to. The 6-tier process and approval show how the agency provides the method of how the QA department works within the agency.

QA Environment

This is how the agency begins and creates a QA environment. By planning, implementing, monitoring and reviewing, and finally improving.

Standards of Excellence

Compliance and Excellence

We follow standard operating procedures = Planning + Monitoring + Reviewing + Improving

Results – Management – Accountability

Our framework for growth and improvement

Accountability Principles

We identify, monitor, measure, record, and report our progress

Theory of Change

Our road map to change – What we believe about how to make change

Management Principles

We strategically development and organize programs and services to help people to change their lives

6-Tier System

6-tier process and approval, shows how the agency provides the method of how the QA department works within the agency.